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Sacred Medicine Drum Making Workshop

Please come and join this sacred day of ceremony to be in spirit with yourself, the ancestors, the mother earth, the elements as you hand make your native american medicine drum with Native American Drum Maker, Sharon Byerly.

Sharon Byerly is of Alaskan Aleut & Yupik descent from mother side and Irish father side. She has been making drums for over 20-22 years. She is a seasoned traditional Native American drum-maker, drummer, singer, dancer and story-teller. The frames for her drums are handcrafted from NW American Cedar and the drum heads are made from deer or elk skin.

Sharon says, “when I make the drums I put prayer into them, thanking the cedar tree for giving its life… thanking the deer, elk, moose, bear, buffalo for giving their life. All the bigger drum sticks come from my big-leaf maple tree in my yard, I thank her for giving me her branches to share the magic of the drum to heal the world.”

Much honor is given to the traditions and ancestors that have created this way of melding spirit into this work.

This is a ceremony that is sacred and Sharon holds with love and much spirit into her medicine. This time is not to be taken lightly. You will be in a sacred portal of healing throughout this time together. You will receive information that is not transcribed as it has been handed down over generations and generations. As you make your sacred drum, you will connect to all parts of it. And you will be in community with each other.

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June 10

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